【L'Azur一齊倒數聖誕 第二彈!有獎問答遊戲 Christmas #GIVEAWAY 】條款及細則Terms and Conditions
- 遊戲活動由2020年12月8日開始並於2020年12月13日晚上23時59分結束(香港時間 GMT+ 8)。
- 每位參加者只限參加一次並只有一次得獎機會。
- 參加者必須於截止日期前經Facebook指定貼文留言遞交答案。參加答案如在遞交過程中有所遺失、不能閱讀或提交延誤,L’Azur概不負責。
- 此活動推廣僅適用於L'Azur Facebook專頁。參加者必須按照所列明的參加方法完成所有項目,方會被視為合資格。
- 參加者的答案不能含有任何廣告促銷內容、商業機構名稱、中介人及投資產品名稱、任何第三者的知識產權、色情、煽動性、不雅、鄙俗、粗穢或其他不當內容。如有違反者,本會有權取消其參加資格及刪除。
- L’Azur將根據答案是否分享內容的真誠度及創意度挑選得獎者(共3名),獲得以下禮品:
- 頭獎: $300 L’Azur Café 現金券 *1
- 二獎: $50 L’Azur Café現金卷 *1
- 三獎: $50 L’Azur Café現金卷 *1
- 得獎者會在2020年12月14日收到L’Azur Facebook私人訊息確認,得獎者須於2020年12月18日中午12時00分或之前回覆其姓名(須與身份証相符)及聯絡電話確認,否則當棄權論。
- 得獎者須於2020年12月14日至2020年12月28日,上午10時至下午9時(八號或以上烈風訊號或黑色暴雨警告訊號生效時除外)到L’Azur Gourmet 西環店(地址: 西環皇后大道西518-520號聯華大廈地下)領取獎品,不設郵寄。未能於上述指定期間到指定地點領取的獎品將作廢。
- 得獎者所提供之個人資料均須正確無誤,如發現參加者提供虛假的個人資料或不符合參加要求,本會將保留取消參加者資格及/或要求該參加者放棄或退還已領取的獎品之決定權。
- 任何因電腦、網路等技術問題而引致參加者所遞交的資料有延誤等情況,L’Azur概不負責。
- 所有獎品不能更改、找贖或兌換現金、兌換其他產品或優惠,不得轉售他人。
- 所有獎品於頒發後如有遺失或損毀,恕不補發。
- L’Azur不會就參與是次遊戲及/或使用獎品而引致或所涉及的任何損失或損害,承擔任何法律責任。
- 《收集個人資料聲明》
- L’Azur將透過核對每位參加者提供的個人資料,以確認參加者的身份及其參加資格。
- 每位得獎者需提供其姓名及聯絡電話以作領取獎品之用,如得獎者未能提供,L’Azur不會向得獎者頒發獎品。有關聯絡資料將不會對外公開或用作其他宣傳用途。
iii. L’Azur採取適當步驟保護持有的個人資料,以免該等資料有所遺失、在未經授權的情況下被查閱、使用、修改或披露。透過本專頁提供予L’Azur的所有個人資料只有管理本專頁的獲授權人員方可查閱有關資料。然而,在網上傳送的任何資料並無以加密方式予以保護。
- 任何參加者參加是次遊戲,即代表同意以上所有有關條款及細則。如有任何爭議,L’Azur擁有取消參加者參加資格的最終決定權。
- L’Azur有權隨時終止遊戲或更改任何條款及細則而毋須另行通知。如有任何有關此遊戲及/或其條款及細則而引致或所涉及的任何的爭議,L’Azur擁有最終決定權。
【L'Azur Christmas #GIVEAWAY 2】Terms and Conditions
- This Facebook wall game starts on December 8, 2020 and ends at 11:59p.m on December 13, 2020 (Hong Kong time GMT+ 8).
- Each participant can only participate once and have only one chance to win a prize.
- Participants must submit their answers on designated Facebook post before the deadline. L’Azur will not be responsible for any lost answers, unreadable or delayed submission.
- This promotion is only applicable to L'Azur Facebook page. Participants must complete all items in accordance with the listed participation methods before they will be considered eligible.
- Participants' answers must not contain any advertising and promotional content, names of business organizations, names of intermediaries and investment products, intellectual property rights of any third parties, pornography, inflammatory, indecent, vulgar, crude, or other inappropriate content. If there is a violation, the association has the right to cancel its participation qualification and delete it.
- L’Azur will select the winners (a total of 3) based on the sincereness of the answers and the creativity of the shared content, to receive the followings:
- First Prize: $300 L’Azur Café Coupon *1
- Second Prize: $50 L’Azur Café Coupon *1
- Third Prize: $50 L’Azur Café Coupon *1
If the product is not available, similar item with same value will be replaced.
- The winners will receive confirmation from L'Azur Facebook inbox message on December 14, 2020. The winners must reply with their names (must match the ID card) and contact number to confirm by 12:00 noon on December 18, 2020, otherwise it should be abstained.
- Winners must arrive at L’Azur Gourmet Sai Wan Store (Address: G/f, Luen Wah Mansion, 518-520 Queen's Road West, Sai Wan) from December 14 to December 28, from 10 am to 9 pm (except when the typhoon signal No. 8 or above or the black rainstorm warning signal is in effect) to receive prizes, no mailing will be arranged. Prizes that cannot be picked up at L’Azur Gourmet Sai Wan Store during the above designated period will be void.
- The personal information provided by the winners must be correct. If it is found that the participant provides false personal information or does not meet the requirements for participation, we will retain the disqualification of the participant and/or request the participant to give up or return the received The right to decide the prizes.
- L’Azur is not responsible for any delays in the materials submitted by the participants due to technical problems such as computers and networks.
- All prizes cannot be changed, redeemed or redeemed for cash, redeemed for other products or offers, and cannot be resold to others.
- All prizes will not be reissued if they are lost or damaged after they are awarded.
- L’Azur will not be held liable for any loss or damage caused or involved in participating in this game and/or using prizes.
- "Personal Information Collection Statement"
- L’Azur will verify the identity and qualifications of participants by checking the personal data provided by each participant.
- Each winner must provide their name and contact number for prize collection. If the winner does not provide these information, L’Azur will not issue the prize to the winner. The information provided will not be made public or used for other promotional purposes.
iii. L’Azur takes appropriate steps to protect the personal data it holds so as not to lose it, to be inspected, used, modified or disclosed without authorization. All personal data provided to L’Azur through this page can only be accessed by authorized personnel who manage this page. However, any information transmitted on the Internet is not protected by encryption.
- Any participant who participates in this game means that they agree to all the above relevant terms and conditions. In case of any disputes, L’Azur has the final decision to cancel the participant's eligibility.
- L’Azur reserves the right to terminate the game or change any terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In case of any disputes arising from or related to this game and/or its terms and conditions, L’Azur shall have the final decision.